by SALDaTI | May 24, 2023 | Vlog
Eckhart Tolle said: “The present moment is all you ever have.” Yet, we find ourselves too often thinking of and living in the past or future. In the process, we are not only depriving ourselves of appreciating the now more, but we are also failing to capitalise on...
by SALDaTI | Apr 19, 2023 | Vlog
Abraham Lincoln once said: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.” Yes, it’s better to be quiet than saying something that we would regret, but walking away from courageous conversations where the stakes are high,...
by SALDaTI | Apr 19, 2023 | Vlog
We live in unprecedented times of uncertainty, hardship and volatility where most of us find it challenging to cope. To get through these times of adversity, we need to focus on empowering ourselves to become stronger and more resilient. Not to only survive, but also...
by SALDaTI | Feb 27, 2023 | Vlog
Are you tired of living a suboptimal life? Are you battling to do what is right versus what is easy? Are you longing for the freedom to no longer be a slave to moods and cravings? To consistently live a disciplined life could be the solution to these issues in your...
by SALDaTI | Feb 1, 2023 | Vlog
At the dawn of 2023, we have to ask ourselves: “What would be different this year?” One thing that might be different, is our willingness to take goal setting and goal achievement more seriously and to reap the rewards from this process. Conversely, what is the risk...